Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Whacky? No... Scary: I Have BED BUGS!!!

Seriously? Yes, I have bed bugs. I took all the clothes out of my room and had to bag them up in trash bags tonight because the Orkin man is coming tomorrow to spray my place for bed bugs...

So that's what I'm going through, but let's rewind this thing here a few weeks, shall we?

I wake up one day about two weeks ago to a cluster of bug bites on my right shoulder. Not just one or two, but more like five or six... I'm wondering how the heck a mosquito or a bunch of mosquitoes could have gotten in their minds to just attack one section of my body? I really don't know, but it's just one night. I show my roommates Austin and Isaiah, and they're like, "Holy S---! You got ripped up last night." Mind you, none of them have any bites on their person. The next night, same problem, only this time it's on the other shoulder... Then another night, up around my neck... Probably about that point I'm getting really frustrated. Isaiah says, "Dude, you might have bed bugs." But I think nothing of it because I keep thinking I'm just getting hit by mosquitoes where I've failed to spray. To keep my mind on mosquitoes, I did kill like 3-4 of them in my room. Plus, I thought that with bed bugs, I shouldn't have bites centralized in one area, but they should be all over my body spread out.

I have some bug spray left-over from camping with Russ, Amy, and family so I start spraying myself. Well, I still get some bites on my lower back, and I notice there's even some on my feet... Eventually there's even a few small ones on my face. WTF?! I am spraying myself every night! And I keep thinking I'm missing spots because I keep getting bit in different parts of my body. Finally about a week later, I'm sleeping and I wake up at like 3am. I think I feel something crawling on my neck, so I smack it and immediately turn on the light and get out of bed. I look at my sheets and see something like 3-4 little bugs crawling around the sheets! Now, I know for sure I've got bed bugs! The problem I still have, is where did I get them from? Did they cling to me when I was sleeping over at a friends house? The most common way to pick them up is if you get them in Hotels/Motels/Hostels. Only problem with that is I haven't stayed in any of these for a long time! And definitely not in the last two weeks.

With my new-found discovery, I go to my trusty computer and look "bed bugs" up on the inter-web. Well guess what? Please pay attention to this next part. Bed bug bites are often in clusters and in one spot of your body. Like the clusters on my shoulders, and neck, and later my lower back... I actually bought some Bed Bug Spray from Home Depot and sprayed my bed. No help. They're still biting! I had stopped sleeping in my bed and started sleeping outside my room on the couch. Apparently, bed bugs are attracted to the CO2 we breathe out, which is strongest when we're sleeping. So... When I'm sleeping on the couch, they are attracted out there and keep biting!!!

I put in a call to Orkin and here I am almost three weeks after the first sign of them, going to finally have everything sprayed professionally! I have ordered genocide on those little bastards! I had heard something in the news too about a bed bug problem in Denver, but never thought I'd have a problem myself... Wrong! I can't wait for Orkin to come in and uphold their end of the bargain. Thank the LORD I'm flying out to San Diego next Wednesday night. But by that time them little suckers will be dead! I promise not to take them with me. I wouldn't wish this on anybody. I'm afraid to sleep in my own house for at least one more night.

Hopefully this enlightens everyone reading this of these little pests. Remember, the first sign of a cluster of bug bites on your person in one spot on your body, you can take it to the bank that you've got BED BUGS!!! And you should take care of it ASAP!