Sunday, November 23, 2008

My New Profession

All right, first thing: sorry, but there are no pictures associated with this post.

I've been working with my cousin, Walt, for two weeks now, and he's been showing me the ins and outs of the Medical Supplies Sales game. If anyone is in tune to my Facebook account or my MySpace account, you would notice that I have been feeling like I'm going back to college with this whole job. The reason being that I have to study all these new medical terms, and parts of the spine and how it relates to your nerves and where these surgeries are taking place in the body. It's not like college in that I am focused only on one major thing: the spine. This is because I am selling tools and implants specifically for back surgeries. So I can kind of sound smart I guess :-b

It is definitely different from anything I have ever done. I have to register with all these hospitals because once we sell a surgeon on one of our products, then we have to be in the Operating Room while he/she is performing the surgery to tell the assistants (Scrub Tech) what tools he/she will be asking for, and also to make sure we don't further mess up someone's spine when the surgery is taking place because it is very specific the size of plates or screws that the surgeon will be asking for. It is amazing how important we are when it comes to the surgery. I never thought that would be the case, but I will be in the OR. And since I will be talking with Surgeons that is why I need to know all the medical terms because they are going to be expecting me to know what on earth they are talking about when I am with them. I guess I should feel lucky that I don't have to try to read they're handwriting!

So what's the OR like? Uh... It's awesome being in there when they cut someone open and you get to see the skin peeled back. Forgive me if I get a bit detailed with all the gruesomeness that is surrounded with these surgeries, but I love me some blood and gore films, so this is like a dream come true to see it in person! They're a lot cleaner than Hostel or Texas Chainsaw Massacre as I'm sure you would think, but still. AWESOME!!!! So I have to be in Scrubs, and wear a mask, and all that jazz when I'm in the OR. I am not allowed to touch anything either, so I have to verbally tell the Scrub Tech the size of the implant or the next tool that is going to be used. I'll be getting myself a laser pointer as ridiculous as that sounds, but I already saw one of Walt's associates use his to perfection. Now it's yet another thing that I can critique when I see it on TV, like how I critique movies, and Sports TV, and Lacrosse, etc... Get it!

I think that Walt will throw me a case or two (that's what we call it when we go in for the surgeries) when I get back from Utah for Thanksgiving weekend. Then I'm gonna be bangin' on Neurosurgeon and Orthosurgeons doors. And trying to sell them this stuff. Plus, there is a TON of money that can be made, so once I get good at this, I can seriously start saving up huge chunks of $$$ for myself! It's gonna be hard, no doubt, but the fact that I get to see the carnage up close and personal is motivating enough! So that's about it for now. I'm gonna sleep on my posterior side and try to catch some rays and try to prevent myself from radiculopothy and myelopothy. See how my vocabulary has changed!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Denver Night Life

Night life out here rocks! Chris and I actually went to my new hometown bar: Horseshoe Lounge for happy hour on Thursday. Half price drinks, any drink: no exclusions. Translation: ridiculously cheap! After that, we headed over to the Denver Improv and saw Jim Breur. Think Half Baked. Let me tell you: if you liked him on SNL or in Half Baked, you will love his Stand Up! I almost fell out of my chair laughing, he was so hilarious! So if he comes into your town you should seriously see him. Tix were $25 a pop, but SOOOO Worth It!

We then headed over to the Cowboy Lounge after that b/c Thursday nights are Lady's Night. Oh, and no cover b4 10 and the only dress code is: I guess there really wasn't one. Lady's drink free all night on Thursdays, so if the females ever come out here, make sure you make it out for a Thursday night. The atmosphere was very country in there, and there was a bunch of good-looking cowgirls in the place, but I got shot down on numerous occasions. That's ok, b/c I've got plenty of time to get my game on out here.

Friday, Chris and I met up with our friend Katie & here boyfriend Glen at his place. We went to the Keg Steakhouse with them and yet another Glen (yup Glen had a friend: Glen). Both Glen's actually played lacrosse at Denver University, so I already have an in to start playing when it gets to springtime.Oh and Katie also brought out her attractive lawyer friend, Kelly. Excellent! The steaks were good, and the table banter was more than a little entertaining. Katie got her fare share of Chris time. I guess she forgot what it was like to hang out with the three of us. I believe she said that hanging out with the two of us was like hanging with her siblings b/c she seems to always have to be defending herself around us? I don't know what that's all about...

After that we went to Maloney's which was no cover. Got there at 10:30 I think. 32oz. of Guiness is only $9. Awesome! I love it! We got pretty drunk last night, and Chris luckily stopped drinking at about 12:30 so he will be able to drive today. Katie, Glen, Kelly and myself ended up back at Glen's place at 1? I really don't know what time we got back there. The party did not stop just b/c we weren't at the bar. Glen cranked up the tunes, and had an 18 pack of Coors Light so we dented that thing back at his place! We drank til 2:30 or 3 in the morning. And there was dancing involved. Not much else. I passed out on his comfy couch, and woke up this morning at about 8:45, had some water, watched me some ESPN. Then called up Miller, or he called me... It doesn't really matter. Went to meet him at Katie's place since that's where he's been staying all week long. As I was leaving Katie had to take Kelly back to her car. Unfortunately for the Lawyer, Kelly, she has some work to do today. I believe she almost cried when thinking about it this morning. I would too, I've definitely been in that boat before!

Reality is about to kick in though b/c Chris left this morning to make the long drive back to SD alone. I don't know how I could've done this whole thing without him. The Best Man I know! I met Chris for Waffle House this morning before he headed out. Got the hangover special: coffee, waffle, and grits. I start real life on Monday when I work with my Cousin, but I am still in the excited state. Plus it's a gorgeous day out today. 60 degrees and sunny! I think I will have to be getting outside today and do some grocery shopping since I am now officially a Denver local. Enjoy life and the beach and sunshine in SD everyone! I'll be out in SD in December for a little bit, so... See the SoCal family then!


Well, it was day number 3 out in Denver on Thursday. I was sitting at my new humble abode chillin with the MAN, Chris Miller. Thanks to him, I am out here with all the essentials because I couldn't fit everything into my dinky little car. He volunteered his Ford Escape to fill up with my Snowboard, Lacrosse gear, Golf Clubs, and a few other things of necessity. So we got in on Tuesday at about 5pm, and dropped Chris' stuff off at our friend Katie's place then headed over to Todd's (my brother-in-law) place to move me in.

My room is little more than a closet, but I have my computer in there to keep everyone updated on my status via the interweb. The house is huge: four bedrooms, about 2000 square feet, so that makes up for the dinky little room. I'm going to be getting an Epic Mountain Pass which means unlimited Boarding in the Colorado Rockies for the whole season! I am no more than 1 hour 45 minutes from Vail, and every other mountain on I-70 is closer than that.

I will have to be going to "Ryan's Bar" in Breckenridge since it is named after me, but that won't be for a few weeks/months. I start my job with my cousin on Monday, and will be starting a whole new life.

My place is literally 1 mile from Downtown Denver. I can get used to the proximity to downtown, which is awesome! I'm really not looking to buy anything right away, but I do like the vibe of this neighborhood. I don't know if I'll want to move into any suburbs, but I got a lot of time to get to know different areas of Denver before I have to worry about that. So far it hasn't been too cold. Just 45 degrees, but sunny. I'm not sure how I will take to this city once it starts snowing, but I will be ready to hit up the mountains once they have decent coverage! I am already loving the fact that there is a little plaza with a Little Caesars, Safeway, Subway, and a few other little shops about 4 blocks away. There is also a bar about 8 blocks away (walking distance), and we are about to go hit it up for Happy Hour. I will be transferring over with my TV Union and checking to see about getting some TV work in on the weekends as well.

I don't know what else there is, but I'm definitely turning the page.