Thursday, January 1, 2009

San Diego Tourism

Well, here I sit at home alone listening to some serenading love song mix that I made on my Ipod, as I just put down my guitar after dabbling with a few Bush songs for about a half an hour. I am still recovering from a New Year's Party in which I had absolutely no business going to! Why do I feel the constant need to party, especially when it is hazardous to my health? I probably sped up the cycle that is the common cold by drinking and playing beer pong all night while chilling with Katie and Glenn and some of their friends. It was good to get out because I met a few more ex-lacrosse players that play in various club leagues out here in Denver so when the time comes I'll be playing me some lacrosse! But this is not the purpose of this blog. No, this blog is about my first visit back to my Home Town after defecting to Denver. And as far as first visits go, this was just what I needed!

Was in San Diego from December 23-29th, and saw quite a few of my old peeps. From the old Theater Crew, to the old Roomies Crew, to the old Pub Crew... It was great seeing everyone again. Got to hang in O.B. for a night with Balys, stayed most of the rest of the time over at Chris' new place and got to test out their futon. Ha! Hey, it's free hospitality, and I'm cheap so I can't complain.

This visit could also have been called the official re-introduction to San Diego's finest foods. You know what I mean? Tio Leo's, Mexican Shops, Sushi, and Filipino cuisines. And then there's the west coast In N Out visit that must be made, of course! That was a major part of it, but I was really glad to see everyone for a little bit and share my adventures in Colorado with them.

Wednesday just hung with Chris and went to Santana's for lunch to meet up with Gamp. It was funny because Chris thought he was being pro-active in setting it up since he thought I wouldn't be seeing Gamp this trip if it wasn't for the lunch set up. Little did Mr. Miller know, his girlfriend Leanna was planning him a surprise party for his 30th B-Day that Saturday. Complete with good friends: Gamp, D-Low, Lindsay, Nani, Jimmy, Courtney, and Hung. There was also a stripper pole set up in the middle of their living room... So you can guess where that was going, muahaha! We'll get to the B-day Party later...

Christmas just hopped from house to house and saw Travis and Chris Jordan, then hopped over to my old step-brother's place in Poway and said a quick hello before heading home. Friday, the weather finally started to cooperate and I had to get to the beach, so Chris and I went to Del Mar. The weather was beautiful, all-be-it a bit chilly. It was partly cloudy and a little breezy, probably 55 degrees outside. But I got some good shots of the Pacific with the sun, and my official "I'm a Tourist" shot in front of the water at the Del Mar Beach. Later that night, I went to visit the old Theater Crew: Jeff, Grant, Jessa, Marisa, Quyen. We were all hangin out at Jessa's parents place in Scripps Ranch for a little while. I was there from about 9-11pm, then I headed over to Patrick's Irish Pub for Irish Car Bomb Friday Night! Saw some of the old Pub-Junkies Crew: Vas, Jersey, Jimmy, Al, and Steve showed up after work at about 12:45am. Jimmy's friend Natalie came down from the O.C. with her friend Mary. Did the Irish Car Bomb thing and we all went over to Vas' place about two blocks away to crash after the bar was closed. Seriously, Patrick's Irish Pub is always a good time. I will miss that place the most I think. For a time, we were all quite the popular crowd, but then I moved to O.B. and stopped going as much, and now I'm in Denver (translation: I don't go at all!).

And then there was Saturday. Actually met up with the old Roomies: Jimmy, JenGen, and Balys. And Kristin from O.B. was there too. We were denied sushi as we showed up at 3:15pm, and all sushi places are closed from 2:30-5, then re-open for dinner. Boo! We went to the Tofu House instead, and the lunch conversation was very reminiscent and also moved into recent events in our lives. Good times always with that crew. We all lived together for the better part of 2 years, then we slowly moved away from each other. Jimmy went to the O.C., then Balys and I went to O.B. But we always try to get together at least once if we're all in town. After tofu, shot down to O.B. to get a quick shot of the Pier just after Sunset. What a beautiful place. I don't think I realized what I had when I lived there, but hey: new city, new advantages. Had to head to Chris' place again as Leanna took him out to a Birthday Dinner so we could set up the place for the party. The Stripper Pole guy showed up, and we set that up. Hung had all the booze and Courtney brought the party favors. Chris' face was funny when he entered the door to a room full of people. It was almost like he was disappointed in me. Kind of like, "Why are all these people in my house?" It was priceless! He warmed up like always after a few shots. Jersey, luckily called Jimmy at about 9:30pm so we figured there was plenty of booze to go around. Why not let him come over? He was glad he did! Around 10:30pm the main event happened. Yes! There was a "Special Delivery" for Chris Miller! I think the whole time this girl was dancing on the portable stripper pole the whole room was lit up with flashes from cameras! Chris got quite the show! Lucky him! The female entertainment for the night did a good job, no doubt!

Sunday, I had got Chris and I tickets to the Chargers game vs. the Broncos, so we went to the AFC West Championship game and rode over with JenGen and her friend Joe. I bought four total tickets, 2 for me, and 2 for JenGen. We were all in our Chargers attire! I had blue hair, JenGen sported a blue wig, we were all wearing our Chargers Jerseys. The game could not have been any better. Chargers killed the Broncos! 52-21, not even close. At one point the Broncos scored a TD in the 1st quarter, and the few Broncos fans were boasting cuz they were winning 6-3. Wait a minute though, normally you get 7 points for a TD, right? Yeah, the Broncos missed the extra point. I believe at that time, I knew the game was over. Next thing I knew it was 31-13 at the half! Excellent! Poor Broncos fans, but I had to deal with those cocky jerks for three weeks in Denver as they were telling me how much the Chargers sucked and the Broncos were going to the playoffs. Ooooops!!! Chargers are going to the Playoffs, and Broncos are done!!!!! Ha Ha Ha!!! It is so fitting that I got to go to the clinching game.

On Sunday night after the game I met up with one of Leanna's friends for some Karaoke all the way up in Temecula. Long drive, but I likes to have me some fun, and it was my last night out in my Home Town. So I was obligated to do something fun. Flew back Monday morning after waiting in the SD airport for 3 extra hours cuz--SHOCK!!!--my flight to Denver was delayed. There is normally a 50% chance of that happening I've noticed when flying into or out of Denver. So I was prepared for it. Now I sit here after watching a pretty uneventful Rose Bowl, but I am glad that Va. Tech finally won a BCS game, and I watched them play in the FedEx Orange Bowl tonight just before coming up to my room to write this.

As Ron Burgundy says, "Stay Classy San Diego!" Know that you are missed...

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